PVHO Books & References


Handbook of Acrylic

The Ultimate Book on Acrylic Technology Dr. Jerry Stachiw’s 40 year research in the study and testing of acrylics for Pressure Vessels

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ASME Published Papers

Copies of over 100 ASME published papers on Dr. Jerry Stachiw’s research in Acrylics:



Hydrospace Group Inc is proud to be the official repository for the intellectual life work created by Dr. Jerry Stachiw, the world’s leading authority on the structural application of plastics and brittle materials used in all types of pressure vessels and hyperbaric chambers. His life’s work was foundational in establishing a design safety standard for acrylic windows used in pressure vessels for human occupancy. Based on his research, the ASME PVHO safety Standard was established in 1977 and continues to be the de facto world standard. 


The ASME PVHO safety standards are a very important document to have in-house for anyone work with pressure vessels for human occupancy. These are available through ASME and are linked here for convenience. Dr. Stachiw also worked on many concepts and experiments than contained in the ASME PVHO standard. The full extent of his research is published in his ultimate book, “Handbook of Acrylics”. Hydrospace offers his book as well as copies of his research papers and publishing which can be purchased directly from our office.

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